Can the Color of My Home Have an Effect on the Temperature Inside?
Deciding on the paint color of your home is more than just about aesthetics. When it’s time to let your exterior house painters know about your paint color preferences, you might be confused and not know where to start. In fact, you might be surprised to know that your house exterior color can actually affect the indoor temperature.
Understanding this effect can help you make an informed decision regarding the color you choose, depending on whether you want to help your house absorb or reflect the sun’s heat.
Can the Color of My Home Have an Effect on the Temperature Inside?
No matter where you live, the color of your house can affect the temperature inside. Whether you have air conditioning or not, the exterior color of your home does directly affect the heat absorption of your home.
While there is no exact percentage or statistic on how much color affects your home’s temperature, the link between both is there. So when it comes to painting the exterior of your home, you certainly shouldn’t forget about the effects of your chosen color.
It’s not just the exterior colors can affect your home’s temperature. Even interior colors can affect how hot or cool your home gets.
Does Dark Color Make My Home Hotter?
Just like with clothing, darker colors absorb more heat than lighter colors. This is true for all things, even paint. With good enough insulation and siding, the dark colors won’t bring too much extra heat into your home. If you don’t insulate your home well enough, though, it could raise the inside temperature.
If you paint your house a lighter color, you’ll reflect most of the heat away from the house. While dark colors can absorb anywhere between 70% to 90% of the sun’s energy, lighter colors will reflect most of it.
What Color Should I Paint My Home?
When you’re painting your home, you should consider your climate. For those that live in a tropical or hot climate, painting your house a dark color could be a costly mistake. In addition, the extra heat your home absorbs will increase your air conditioning bill and make it more challenging to stay cool.
For those who live in the far north or colder areas, painting your house a dark color may save you a bit of energy. During blisteringly cold winters, the dark exterior of your home can draw in whatever heat possible and help keep your home warmer. However, if the summers are hot, such as in the midwest, this might not be a sacrifice worth making.
If you want to paint your home a dark color, you should weigh the pros and cons. Living in an area that stays relatively the same temperature year-round can make this easier. However, those who live in areas that get very hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter may find it more difficult to choose.
How Should I Choose My Home Color?
As mentioned, you should consider the climate where you live. This will play a heavy part in how much heat is absorbed by your home. If you still can’t choose, there are a few other things to consider too.
You should consider your style and color preferences. If you really don’t like the color of lighter homes, then don’t paint your home a lighter color. Your home should be something you enjoy, and if you paint it in a way that you don’t like, you won’t enjoy it as much.
Additionally, the color of your home’s interior should match the same style as the exterior. You wouldn’t want to paint the exterior of your home white but have all dark colors painted on the inside of your home.
All in all, keep in mind how color will affect the temperature of your home. While it may not change the temperature inside by an extreme 20 degrees, it will still have an effect nonetheless. You can save a little on your electric bill each month by taking every chance you have to limit how much heat is drawn into your home.